Dry Eye
Dry eye is a chronic condition that can be extremely uncomfortable and disruptive for affected patients in their daily lives. The eye is equipped with protective mechanisms, such as eyelashes, eyelids and eyebrows, which ensure protection and function. The tear film is also intended to protect the eye and an incorrect composition of its watery and oily components leads to the unpleasant symptoms of dry eye.
On this page you will learn everything about the causes, symptoms and treatment of dry eye.

Healthy eye

Dry eye
The symptoms of dry eye
The following symptoms may indicate dry eye:

The dry eye

Cause of dry eye
The cause of dry eye often lies in the composition of the tear film. It consists of oily and watery components that must be correctly balanced to optimally moisturise the eye. An instability of the tear film can be due to either a watery or a lipid deficiency. The latter is often due to meibomian gland dysfunction. These glands do not produce enough lipids, causing the watery components of the tear film to evaporate quickly and leaving the eye insufficiently moisturised.
Treatment of dry eye
Since it is a chronic condition, eye drops can usually only provide short-term relief for dry eye. The right medication and its dosage are crucial in eye drop therapy.
To provide long-term relief from itchy, burning and watery eyes, there are light and heat therapies (IPL or TIXEL) designed to restore the proper function of the meibomian glands.